Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lord of the Flies Vocabulary List 4

31. Interminable-having no limits.
My definition:Unending, incapable of being terminated.
My sentence:The fact that history lectures came just before lunch made them seem interminable.

32. Iridescent-displaying a play of ulstrous colors like those of the rainbow.
My definition:Different colors.
My sentence:The wings of the butterfly are iridescent.

33. Lamentation-the act of lamenting or expressing grief.
My definition:Sorrow or grief over something.
My sentence:The death of her sister left her in sever lamentation.

34. Malevolently-wishing evil or harm to another or others; harmful.
My definition:Evil or harm to someone.
My sentence:His failures made him malevolent toward those who were successful.

35. Muted-of low intensity and reduced volume; soften.
My definition:Someone who speaks softly.
My sentence:She spoke in muted tones.

36. Obscurely-not clear or plain.
My definition:Not clear to understanding.
My sentence:The cop gave the drunk driver an obscure expression.

37. Obtuseness-not quick or alert in perception.
My definition:Not sharp, acute, or pointed.
My sentence:After trying to explain the word several times, I finally gave up because of his obtuseness.

38. Officious-aggressive in offering one's unrequested and unwanted help.
My definition:Ready to serve.
My sentence:He's an officious little man and widely disliked throughout the company.

39. Opalescence-exhibiting a play of colors like that of the opal.
My definition:Colorful
My sentence:The opalescence of the moonstone was mesmerizing.

40. Opaque-not transparent or translucent; not allwoing light to pass through.
My definition:Light cannot pass through.
My sentence:The windows in the bathroom were opaque for privacy.

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