Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lord of the Flies Vocabulary List 5

41. Parody-a humerous or satrical imitation of a serious piece of literature or writing.
My definition:A humerous imitation that deals with writing or literature.
My sentence:The comedy movie parodied the entire genre of westerns.

42. Parried-to ward off (a movement in fencing).
My definition:A defensive movement.
My sentence:He tried to punch me in the face but i managed to parry his fist so that it missed me.

43. Pinnacles-any pointed, towering part or formation.
My definition:A lofty peak
My sentence:Robert reached on academic pinnacle when he graduated high school.

44. Ruefully-causing sorrow or pity.
My definition:Feeling sad or hurt.
My sentence:The poor woman ruefully could not give her money to her friend in need.

45. Tacity-understood without being openly expressed.
My definition:Unvoiced or unspoken.
My sentence:Your failure to object to the request resulted in you tacity approving the change.

46. Vexed-much discussed or disputed.
Syn:Tick off.
My definition:Irritated or annoyed.
My sentence:She became more and more vexed as she struggled to cope with the demands of the job.

47. Vicissitudes-a change or varriation occuring in the course of something.
My definition:Change or mutation.
My sentence:They remained friends through the vicissitudes of 50 years.

48. Vivid-strikingly bright or intense as color or light.
My definition:Full of life.
My sentence:The twins had a vivid account of their childhood.

49. Vulnerable-open to assault
My definition:Open to moral attack or criticism.
My sentence:He was vulnerable to hurting himself and others.

50. Truculently-Fierce, cruel.
My definition:Brutally harsh.
My sentence:My truculent cousin laughed after distroying everything in my room.

Lord of the Flies Vocabulary List 4

31. Interminable-having no limits.
My definition:Unending, incapable of being terminated.
My sentence:The fact that history lectures came just before lunch made them seem interminable.

32. Iridescent-displaying a play of ulstrous colors like those of the rainbow.
My definition:Different colors.
My sentence:The wings of the butterfly are iridescent.

33. Lamentation-the act of lamenting or expressing grief.
My definition:Sorrow or grief over something.
My sentence:The death of her sister left her in sever lamentation.

34. Malevolently-wishing evil or harm to another or others; harmful.
My definition:Evil or harm to someone.
My sentence:His failures made him malevolent toward those who were successful.

35. Muted-of low intensity and reduced volume; soften.
My definition:Someone who speaks softly.
My sentence:She spoke in muted tones.

36. Obscurely-not clear or plain.
My definition:Not clear to understanding.
My sentence:The cop gave the drunk driver an obscure expression.

37. Obtuseness-not quick or alert in perception.
My definition:Not sharp, acute, or pointed.
My sentence:After trying to explain the word several times, I finally gave up because of his obtuseness.

38. Officious-aggressive in offering one's unrequested and unwanted help.
My definition:Ready to serve.
My sentence:He's an officious little man and widely disliked throughout the company.

39. Opalescence-exhibiting a play of colors like that of the opal.
My definition:Colorful
My sentence:The opalescence of the moonstone was mesmerizing.

40. Opaque-not transparent or translucent; not allwoing light to pass through.
My definition:Light cannot pass through.
My sentence:The windows in the bathroom were opaque for privacy.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Lord of the Flies Vocabulary List 3

21. Dubious-doubtful; marked by or occasioning doubt.
My defintion:doubtful about something.
My sentence:He was dubious about the girl's sincerity.

22. Ebullience-high spirits; overflow.
My definition:someone who is high spirited.
My sentence:She is a seperate, trainer, instructor who is full of ebullience.

23. Ferocity-a ferocious quality or state; savage, fierceness.
My definition:someone who is hyper.
My sentence:When a man wants to murder a tiger he calls it sport; When a tiger wants to murder a man he calls it ferocity.

24. Flourished-to be in a vigorous state; thrive.
My definition:thrive yourself to grow.
My sentence:My plants seemed to flourish when i started playing classical music for them.

25. Foliage-the leaves of a plant.
My definition:leaves!
My sentence:The red bird was hidden in the foliage of the huge oak tree.

26. Furtive-taken done used. Surreptitiously or by stealth.
My definition:someone used something that was take.
My sentence:He made a furtive glance in the director of the closet when the robbers asked where the jewelry was hidden.

27. Grave-an excavation made in the earth in which to bury a dead body.
My definition:bury a dead body in the ground.
My sentence:He looked into his own grave.

28. Impervious-not permitting penetration or passage.
My definition:incapable of being injured.
My sentence:The coat is impervious to rain.

29. Incantation-the chantering or uttering of words purporting to have magical power.
My definition:spells, magical powers.
My sentence:On the movie hocus-pocus, the witches use incantations to get kids to come to them and make them younger.

30. Inscrutable-incapable of being investigated.
My definition:being investigated.
My sentence:The sea captain explored the inscrutable depths of the ocean searching for buried treasures.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lord of the Flies Vocabulary List 2

11. Credulously-Ready to believe espically on sight or uncertain evidence.
Syn: Believe
My Defintion: to believe in something.
My sentence: He sold mairacle cures to desperate and credulous clients.

12.Cynically-Having the attitude or temper of a cynic contempuously distrustful of human nature and motives.
Syn: Attitude
My defintion: Having an attitude and being distrustful.
My sentence: Cynically speaking, one could say that it is true to life to be cynical about it.

13. Declivities-Downward inclination. A descending slope.
Syn: Slope
My defintion: Down hill
Me sentence: Cheating on your homework can start you on a slippery declivity to cheating in life.

14. Decorous-Marked by property and good taste.
Syn: Beauty and grace.
My defintion: Conduct, manners, and apperence.
My sentence: The appreciative guest displayed decorous behavior towards his host.

15. Demur-To make objection; take exception.
Syn: Oppose
My defintion: an objection
My sentence: They wanted to make him the treasurer, but he demurred.

16. Derisive-Characterized by expressing derision; mocking.
Syn: Sarcastic
My defintion: being a smarty pants.
My sentence: He gave a derisive laugh after he pushed her in the mud.

17. Diffidently-Lacking confidence in one's own ability worth; timid; shy.
Syn: Bashful
My defintion: A very shy person.
My sentence: When Brian asked ann to dinner, she blushed and nodded diffidently.

18. Discursive-Passing aimlessly from one subject to another.
Syn: Roaming
My defintion: To get off the subject.
My sentence: The students were instructed to write a discursive essay of their choice.

19. Disentangled-To ffree or become free from entaglement; untangle.
Syn: Unyangle
My defintion: untangle yourself from something.
My sentence: I disentangled myself from the rope so i could be free.

20. Disinclination-The absence of inclination.
Syn: Demur
My defintion: not inclination
My sentence: The place was a mess because of her dsiinclination for housework.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lord of the Flies D.Q's Chapter 1&2

Chapter 1:
1. How did the boys arrive on the island?
-there plain got shot down. It crashed.
2. How did Ralph call the first meeting?
-with the conch shell.
3. What are the names of the twins?
-Ralph and Piggy.
4. What does Ralph's dad do?
-work in the navy.
5. What nationality are the boys?
-the are English.
6. The island was roughly - shaped.
-boat shaped.
7. What is the "scar"?
-a long strip of land.
8. For whoom did Piggy vote as chief?
9. Who went to make sure the island was really an island?
10. Who is your favorite character so far?

Chapter 2:
1. Who is the only one who may interrupt the speaker holding to conch?
2. Who saw the beast/beastie/snake-like thing?
-the small boy.
3. Who says, again and again that there isn't a beast?
4. On page 37, Ralph makes a two-fold "mission statement." what are the two parts?
-they want to have fun.
-they want to be rescued.
5. Why do they need a fire?
-so people can know that they are on the island by seeing the smoke.
6. What did the boys use to start the fire?
-leaves,broken branches, and wood.
7. Who is the first boy to die?
-one of the youngest boys.
Who said it?
8. "How do you expect to be rescued if you don't put first things first and act proper?"
9. "I told you to. I told you to get a list of names!"
10. "We'll have rules! Then when anyone breaks 'em-"

Monday, October 19, 2009

Lord of the Flies Vocabulary List 1

1. Abyss The bottomless gulf, pit, or chaos in old accounts of the orgins of the universe.
“depth” bottom of something.
2. Articulate To speak in distinct syllables or words.
“joint” put words together.
3. Bastion A projecting part of a fortification.
“to build” build something.
4. Blundered To move unsteadily or blindly.
“stumble” to fall or walk unsteadily.
5. Cascades A steep usually small fall of water.
“to fall” water that falls.
6. Compressed Flatened as though subjected to compression.
“flatened” a flat surface.
7. Contemtuously Feeling or showing contempt.
“contempt” feeling contempt.
8. Contrite sorrowful for a wrong that one has done.
“to bruise” to hurt someone.
9. Corpulent Having a large bulky body.
“body” muscle body.
10. Covert Not openly shown, engaged in, or avowed.
“cover” something that’s covered up.

My Sentences:
1. He fell into the dark abyss.
2. I don’t know how to articulate my feelings.
3. There is a huge bastion on the side of the buliding to protect it from the enemy.
4. They heard her blunder against the car.
5. When we went to see the water falls in North Carolina, the cascades fell down hard.
6. We compressed the playdo when we were playing with it.
7. The contemptuously boy was really tired.
8. The man was contrite when he killed his wife.
9. He has a very corpulent body.
10. I coverted to a different attitude.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Is murder ever justifiable?

Killing Mr. Griffin Vocabulary and Sentences

1. Inference- The act of drawing a conclusion that is not actually stated.
  • She infered that Ashley enjoys reading.
2. Allusion- Whenever a writer refers to a person, place, poem, book, or movie that he expects the reader to recognize.
  • The writer had and allusion of the movie, The Notebook, but little did he know, no one knew that movie.
3. Flashback- A scene that interrupts the ongoing action in a story to show and event that happened earlier.
  • I Speak they had many flashbacks of when she got raped.

4. Rite of Passage- The young adult must undergo some ritual or test to become an adult.

  • Jewish people usually go in a rite of passage when they become "adults".
5. Foil- A character whose qualities or actions usually serve to emphasize the actions or qualities of the main character, the protagonist, by providing a strong contrast.
  • The foil in my story ends up hating the main character.

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