Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Act 3 Study Guide (Julius Caesar)

Julius Caesar: Act III Reading and Study Guide

I. VOCABULARY: Be able to define the following words and understand them when they appear in the play.

vouchsafe (vouch-s f ): to grant or give, by favor, graciousness, or condescension.

conspiracy (k n-spîr -s): an evil, unlawful, treacherous or surreptituous plan formated in secret by two or more persons.

foe: a person who feels enimity, hatred, or macile toward another; enemy.

II. LITERARY TERMS: Be able to define each term and apply each term to the play.

climax: the highest or most intense point in the developments or resolution of something.

allusion: a passing or casual reference; and incidental mention of something, either directly or by implication.

imagery: mental images, figures, or likeliness of things.

verbal irony: in which what is said is the opposite of what is meant.

III. Questions: answer the following questions.

Scene 1:
1. What reason does Caesar give for not reading Artemidorus’s letter?
-He will serve his own needs last.
2. What Roles do the following characters play in the conspiracy?
Trebonius: He is the one who lures Antony away before they murder Caesar.
Metellus Cimber: Made a fake appeal to Caesar to let his banished brother into the city again.
Casca: He was supposed to stab Caesar in the heart by sneaking up behind him.
3. What is Caesar’s opinion of himself?
-He was unbreakable and powerful. He had the people falling for him and thought he could do anything.
4. What does “Et tu, Brute?” mean? How do these words relate to the theme of friendship in the play?
-You to Brutus.
5. Where does Caesar’s dead body lie? How is this ironic?
-He was laying infront of the statue of a man he defeated in battle. He died infront of a man he killed.
6. What does Brutus tell the conspirators to do after killing Caesar?
-To bathe their hands in Caesar's blood.
7. What promise does Brutus tell the servant to relay to Antony?
-Not to say anything bad about the conspirators at the funeral.
8. What does Antony say about the possibility of being killed by the conspirators?
9. After being assured he is in no danger, what favor does Antony ask of the conspirators?
-To be able to make a speech at Caesar's funeral.
10. What does Cassius think about granting Antony this favor?
-Cassius is against it. He doesn't trust Antony.
11. What restrictions does Brutus set?
-Antony has to speak after Brutus, and not say anything bad about the conspirators.
12. Summarize Antony’s main points in his speech to Caesar’s body?
13. Who is coming to Rome to meet with Antony?
-Octavius and Lepidus

Scene 2:
14. According to Brutus’s speech to the commoners, what reasons does he give for Caesar’s death?
-Caesar was ambitious.
15. What is the mood of the crowd as Brutus finishes his speech?
-They all believe that Caesar was a bad person, who wanted to become a dictator.
16. What does Brutus offer at the end of his speech?
-That he will kill himself if what he did was wrong.
17. List three points of Antony’s speech that work to persuade the crowd to turn on the conspirators.
-Caesar's will
-He refused the crown 3 times.
18. What reason does Antony give for why he cannot read Caesar’s will?
19. What has Caesar bequeathed the Romans in his will?
-He left them land and money.
20. How does the crowd react to Antony’s speech?
-They are outraged and start an angry mob.

Scene 3:
21. What happens to Cinna the Poet? Why?
-She was killed. Because they were upset and just because his name was Cinna, they wanted him dead.

Act 2 Study Guide (Julius Caesar)

Julius Caesar: Act II Reading and Study Guide

I. VOCABULARY: Be able to define the following words and understand them when they appear in
the play.

taper: to become smaller or thinner toward the end.

tyranny (t r -n )Arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.
lest:expressing fear, danger, ect.

II. LITERARY TERMS: Be able to define each term and apply each term to the play.

anachronism( -n k r -n z m): a thing or person that belongs to an earlier time.

complication: something that introduces unexpectedly, some difficult, problem, cahnge, etc.

personification: the attribution of a person nature or character to inamitate objects or abstract notions.

irony: the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning.

I. dramatic irony: is inherent in speeches or a situation of a drama and is understood by the audience but not grasped by the characters in the play.

II. situational irony: outcome to be very different then what expected.

III. verbal irony: a figure of speech is in what said is the opposite of what is meant.

aside: away from ones thoughts or consideration.

III. Questions: answer the following questions.

Scene 1:
1. According to Brutus, why is it is necessary that Caesar be killed?
-Caesar will become to powerful and general welfare.
2. What actions does Lucius perform that help the plot unfold?
-Send al letter about right and wrong and suggest certain things without spelling them out.
3. What is Brutus’s internal conflict?
-A terrible act and the actual performance of it is a nightmare. The soul and body debates the subject.
4. Why does Brutus disagree about taking an oath?
-Its for priests, cowards, old and dying men, and people enjoy dying. There blood would not be truly Roman if they broke there word.
5. Why does Metellus think it would be a good idea to ask Cicero to join the conspiracy?
-His age would win popular support. People would say our youth and wildness were ruled by his sound judgement.
6. Why does Brutus say they should not ask Cicero to join the conspiracy?
7. What does Brutus say about killing Marc Antony?
-He isnt going to kill himself; he loves sports, wildness, and soicializing to much.
8. What reason does Cassius give for why Caesar might not come out of his house today?
-He is superstitous, in contrast to the strong views he once had of such beliefs. Strange events and arguments of his fortuneteller.
9. By what method does Decius say he will use to get Caesar out of the house?
-He loves to hear such stories, he can also be trapped by-flattery.
10. Why is Portia, Brutus’s wife, worried about Brutus?
-The way he looks and his attitude.
11. How does she prove her strength to Brutus?
-Wounding herself in the thigh.

Scene 2:
12. Why does Calpurnia want Caesar to stay home?
-Because of the memory threatening omens.
13. Describe Calpurnia’s dream.
-She is frightened of the omens. Terrible things will happen.
14. How does Decius interpret the interpret Calpurnia’s dream?
-He had to make Caesar look at Calpurnia's drean in a different way.
15. What arguments does Decius use to change Caesar’s mind about going to the Capitol?
-Great men will come to you for honors and souvenirs to remember you by.

Scene 3:
16. What does Artemidorus plan to do?
-He wants Caesar.

Scene 4:
17. Why is Portia so nervous?
-she is nervous about the conspiracy.
18. What does Portia want Lucius to do?
-To go see what is happening at the capitol.
19.What does the soothsayer tell Portia?
-That Caesar is in more danger.

Act 1 Study Guide (Julius Caesar)

Julius Caesar: Act I Reading and Study Guide

I. VOCABULARY: Be able to define the following words and understand them when they appear in the play.

wherefore: The cause or reason.

exeunt ( k s - nt , - nt ): To or more performers go offstage.

vulgar: Characterized by ignorance or or lack of good breeding or taste.

construe: To give the meaning or intetion of; explain; interpret.

II. LITERARY TERMS: Be able to define each term and apply each term to the play.

blank verse: Is unrhymed poetry written in iambic pentameter.

prose: The ordinary form of spoken or written language, without metrical structure as distinguish from poetry or verse.

tragedy: Any literal composition, as a novel, dealing with a somber theme carried by a tragic conclusion.

pun: Use of words that are alike in sound but different in meaning; a play on words.

conflict: Is the struggle forces between opposing forces and is the basis of plot in dramatic and narrative literature.
External: 1. _______________ vs. ________________
2. _______________ vs. ________________
3. _______________ vs. ________________
Internal: 4. ________________ vs. ________________

soliloquy (s -l l -kw ): Is a speech in which a character speaks his or her private thoughts aloud.

iambic meter:

iambic pentameter:



III. Questions: answer the following questions.


1. Where and when was Shakespeare born?
-1564 and England
2. What theatre did Shakespeare help build?
-Globe Theatre.
3. When did he die?
-April 23rd, 1616
4. In what historical period was Shakespeare living? Who was the ruler of England at that time?
-Renaissance and Elizabeth.
5. What three types of plays did Shakespeare write? Give an example of each.
-Histories, Comedies, Tragedies.
6. What was it like to go to a play during Shakespeare’s time?
-Women characters were played by male actors.
7. What historian did Shakespeare use as a source for writing Julius Caesar?
8. When and where did Julius Caesar live?
-July 13, 100 BC-March 15, 44 BC and Roman Ancient Empire.
9. Who is Pompey? Although he is not a character in the play, why is he important to the plot?
-Was an alley of Julius Caesar and a rival of Marcus Crassus. The First Triumvirate.
Scene 1:

10. What is the setting? What holiday is being celebrated?
-February is Lupercal and in the streets.
12. Who are Marullus and Flavius?
-Two tribunes, government officials who supported pompey.
13. Why do they want to drive the commoners from the street?
-Because the commoners are not answering marullus directly.
14. What else do Marullus and Flavius do to further hinder the celebration of Caesar’s victory?

Scene 2:

15. What does Caesar tell Antony to do to Calpurnia?
-to touch her. It would shakeoff their sterile curse.
16. Why might Caesar ask Antony in front of everyone else?
-So everyone can know what he told Antony to do.
17. What is a soothsayer? Of what does he warn Caesar?
-A fortuneteller and to beware of the middle day of march.
18. What does ides mean?
-The middle day of the month.
19. Does Marcus Brutus like Caesar? What does Brutus think of Caesar’s rise to power? Use lines from play to support your answer.
-No, and Brutus thinks that he would be a better ruler.
20. Brutus says, “For let the gods so speed me as I love / The name of honor more than I fear death.” What do these lines imply about Brutus’s most important value in life?
-That honor is more important than life itself.
21. What story does Cassius tell Brutus?
-which Cassius and Caesar were swimming and Cassius claims that he rescued Caesar.
22. What is Cassius’s point in telling this story?
-To make Brutus know that Caesar is just like everyone else.
23. What is Caesar’s opinion of Cassius? Why does he feel this way?
-Dangerous and one who can see through people and understand their secrets.
24. What handicap does Caesar reveal about himself when speaking to Antony?
-His ear is deaf.
25. How many times was Caesar offered a coronet, or a small crown?
-3 times.
26. What was Caesar’s reaction to the offering, according to Casca?
-He refused to accept it and he fainted infront of everyone.
27. What sickness does Caesar have?
-Falling sickness or eplilepsy.
28. What happens to Marullus and Flavius?
-Put to death or have been barred from public life.
29. What does Cassius plan to do to convince Brutus to conspire against Caesar?
-To leave messages at his home that appear to be from other people.
Scene 3:

30. What unusual events occur during the storm?
-Seeing fire from the sky and feeling an earthquake.
31. What meaning does Cassius interpret from the storm?
-Is the gods way of telling the people that Caesar was becoming too powerful.
32. According to Casca, what are the senators planning to do to Caesar tomorrow?
-Make him king of all Roman territories except Rome (Italy).
33. Who is definitely part of the conspiracy?
1.Casca 4.Metellus
2.Cassius 5.Brutus
3.Cinna 6.Decius

Monday, November 9, 2009

Lord of the flies D.Q.'s 10,11 & 12

Chapter 10:
1. What were Samneric doing in the beginning of the chapter?
-gathering wood.
2. On page 157, what is Ralph frightned of?
-Jack will try to hill them.
Who went with Jack to take the fire from the others?
3. Maurice
4. Roger
5. Before they were attacked, what did Ralph "desperatley pray?"
-to be rescued.
6. Who was Ralph fighting in the dark?
7. What did Jack take from the others?
8"That was murder!"
9. "We don't want another night without fire."
10. "I thought they wanted the conch"

Chapter 11:
1. Who "protested out of the heart of civilization?"
2. Who killed Piggy?
3. How did Piggy die?
-he was hit by a rock.
4. "After all we aren't savages really, and being rescued isn't a game."
5. "We'll, we won't be painted, because we aren't savages."
6. You're a beast and a swine and a bloody, bloody thief!"
7. "See? See? THats what you'll get! I mean that ! THere isn't a tribe your you anymore! The conch is gone.
8. "Which is better, law and rescue, or hunting and breaking things up?"

Chapter 12:
1. Who was the"savage whose image refused to blend with that ancient picture of a boy in shorts and shirt?"
2. Why would "bathing (Ralph's) injuries have to wait?
3. What did Ralph do to the "Lord of the Flies?"
-Hit it, Broke it.
4. Who had the memory of a new and shameful loyalty."
5.Who sharpened a stick on both ends intending to use it on Ralph?
6. How did they try to get Ralph out of the thicket?
-By rolling large rocks into it.
Ralph had 3 different strategies for escaping the hunters. That were they?
7. Climb a tree.
8. Break the line.
9. Hide and let them pass.
10. "Nobody killed, I hope? and dead bodies?"
-the Naval Officer.
11. "They are going to hunt you tomorrow."

Lord of the Flies D.Q.'s 8 & 9

Chapter 8:
1. Who called the first assembly?
2. During the assembly, how many voted that Ralph shouldn't be chief?
3. On page 140 the hunters get a new name. What is it?
-Lord of the Flies.
4. The group looked at it with affectionate respect. What was it?
-The beastie.
5. "I'm not going to play any longer. Not with you."
6. "I think we ought to climb the mountain."
7. "We'll hunt and I'm going to be chief."
8. "The head is for the beast, it's a gift."
9. "I'd like to put on war-paint and be a savage. But we nust keep the fire burning."
10. "Fancy thinking the beast was something you could hunt and kill."
11. "You knew didn't you? I'm part of you?"

Chapter 9:
1. What was the "cannon" that "continued to play" throughout chapter 9?
2. Who sat, like an idol, painted and garlanded, in the center of the lawn?
3. During the party, evening had come, not with calm beauty, but with the thread of violence.
4. At the party, who acted like the pig?
5. What happened to the parachutist?
-he died.
6. Who was killed because the boys thought he was the beast?
7. What happened to the body on the beach?
-it floated away.
8. "Do your dance! Come on! Dance!"
9. "Let them go. I don't care."
10. "P'raps we ought to go too....I mean to make sure nothing happens."

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lord of the Flies D.Q.'s 5,6,&7

Chapter 5:
1. What is "Taken short?"
-Having diarrheoa
2. What does Ralph think they ought to do before they let the fire go out?
-They ought to die before we let the fire go out.
3. Who scared the littlun by walking around in the jungle at night?
Who are the two littluns who hold the conch and speak about the beast at the assembly?
4. Percival
5. Phil
6. "The thing is, we need an assembly."
7. "Serve you right if something did get you, you useless lot of cry-babies!"
8. " scientific, that's what it is."
9. "What I mean is...maybe it's only us."
10. "What are we? Human? Or animals? Or savages?

Chapter 6-7:
1. What was the "sign that came down from the world of the grown-ups?"
-A parachute figure with dangling limbs.
2. Who saw the "beast" on top of the mountain?
3. What did the boys want to do instead of going to the other side of the island to check the fire?
-Make a fort and roll rocks.
4. "I don't believe in the beast."
5. "We want smoke. And you go wasting your time. You roll rocks."
6. Who hit the boar with his spear?
7. Who got hurt playing the role of the pig?
8. Who went through the forest alone to tell piggy that the group hunting the beast wouldn;'t be back until after dark?
Who climbed the mountain to look for the beast?
9. Ralph
10. Jack
11. Roger

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lord of the Flies D.Q.'s 3 & 4

Chapter 3:

1. what is Jack doing as the character opens?
-He was hunting and tracking a pig.
2. Ralph and Simon are building huts.
3. why can't Jack get the pig to stay on his spear?
-It didn't have a barb on the end of it.
4. All the hunters but Jack have gone where?
-They went to the other side of the island.
5. Who helps the littleluns get fruit?
6. At the end of the chapter, where does Simon go?
-He went into the forest.
7. "We want meat!"
8. "I was talking about somke! Don't you want to be rescued? All you talk about is pig, pig pig!"
9. "I thought I might kill"

Chapter 4:

1. Who "still felt the unease of wrongdoing?"
2. Who was affected by the "taboo of the old life?"
3. When Jack "liberated from the shame of self-consciousness?"
-When Jack put pain on his face.
Why did the "lillteluns" always obey the summons of the conch?
4. Habbit
5. Respect
6. Why did Jack want Samneric to get him a coconut?
-They got it for gathering water.
7. Why weren't the boys rescued?
-Because Jack let the fire go out and went hunting instead.
8. Why were the littluns used to "Stomach aches and a sort or chronic diarrheoa?"
-Because there were no grownups to tell them what to eat and they ate the bad fruit.
9."You don't half look a mess"
10. "They don't smell me. They see me, I think. Something pink, under the trees."

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lord of the Flies Vocabulary List 5

41. Parody-a humerous or satrical imitation of a serious piece of literature or writing.
My definition:A humerous imitation that deals with writing or literature.
My sentence:The comedy movie parodied the entire genre of westerns.

42. Parried-to ward off (a movement in fencing).
My definition:A defensive movement.
My sentence:He tried to punch me in the face but i managed to parry his fist so that it missed me.

43. Pinnacles-any pointed, towering part or formation.
My definition:A lofty peak
My sentence:Robert reached on academic pinnacle when he graduated high school.

44. Ruefully-causing sorrow or pity.
My definition:Feeling sad or hurt.
My sentence:The poor woman ruefully could not give her money to her friend in need.

45. Tacity-understood without being openly expressed.
My definition:Unvoiced or unspoken.
My sentence:Your failure to object to the request resulted in you tacity approving the change.

46. Vexed-much discussed or disputed.
Syn:Tick off.
My definition:Irritated or annoyed.
My sentence:She became more and more vexed as she struggled to cope with the demands of the job.

47. Vicissitudes-a change or varriation occuring in the course of something.
My definition:Change or mutation.
My sentence:They remained friends through the vicissitudes of 50 years.

48. Vivid-strikingly bright or intense as color or light.
My definition:Full of life.
My sentence:The twins had a vivid account of their childhood.

49. Vulnerable-open to assault
My definition:Open to moral attack or criticism.
My sentence:He was vulnerable to hurting himself and others.

50. Truculently-Fierce, cruel.
My definition:Brutally harsh.
My sentence:My truculent cousin laughed after distroying everything in my room.

Lord of the Flies Vocabulary List 4

31. Interminable-having no limits.
My definition:Unending, incapable of being terminated.
My sentence:The fact that history lectures came just before lunch made them seem interminable.

32. Iridescent-displaying a play of ulstrous colors like those of the rainbow.
My definition:Different colors.
My sentence:The wings of the butterfly are iridescent.

33. Lamentation-the act of lamenting or expressing grief.
My definition:Sorrow or grief over something.
My sentence:The death of her sister left her in sever lamentation.

34. Malevolently-wishing evil or harm to another or others; harmful.
My definition:Evil or harm to someone.
My sentence:His failures made him malevolent toward those who were successful.

35. Muted-of low intensity and reduced volume; soften.
My definition:Someone who speaks softly.
My sentence:She spoke in muted tones.

36. Obscurely-not clear or plain.
My definition:Not clear to understanding.
My sentence:The cop gave the drunk driver an obscure expression.

37. Obtuseness-not quick or alert in perception.
My definition:Not sharp, acute, or pointed.
My sentence:After trying to explain the word several times, I finally gave up because of his obtuseness.

38. Officious-aggressive in offering one's unrequested and unwanted help.
My definition:Ready to serve.
My sentence:He's an officious little man and widely disliked throughout the company.

39. Opalescence-exhibiting a play of colors like that of the opal.
My definition:Colorful
My sentence:The opalescence of the moonstone was mesmerizing.

40. Opaque-not transparent or translucent; not allwoing light to pass through.
My definition:Light cannot pass through.
My sentence:The windows in the bathroom were opaque for privacy.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Lord of the Flies Vocabulary List 3

21. Dubious-doubtful; marked by or occasioning doubt.
My defintion:doubtful about something.
My sentence:He was dubious about the girl's sincerity.

22. Ebullience-high spirits; overflow.
My definition:someone who is high spirited.
My sentence:She is a seperate, trainer, instructor who is full of ebullience.

23. Ferocity-a ferocious quality or state; savage, fierceness.
My definition:someone who is hyper.
My sentence:When a man wants to murder a tiger he calls it sport; When a tiger wants to murder a man he calls it ferocity.

24. Flourished-to be in a vigorous state; thrive.
My definition:thrive yourself to grow.
My sentence:My plants seemed to flourish when i started playing classical music for them.

25. Foliage-the leaves of a plant.
My definition:leaves!
My sentence:The red bird was hidden in the foliage of the huge oak tree.

26. Furtive-taken done used. Surreptitiously or by stealth.
My definition:someone used something that was take.
My sentence:He made a furtive glance in the director of the closet when the robbers asked where the jewelry was hidden.

27. Grave-an excavation made in the earth in which to bury a dead body.
My definition:bury a dead body in the ground.
My sentence:He looked into his own grave.

28. Impervious-not permitting penetration or passage.
My definition:incapable of being injured.
My sentence:The coat is impervious to rain.

29. Incantation-the chantering or uttering of words purporting to have magical power.
My definition:spells, magical powers.
My sentence:On the movie hocus-pocus, the witches use incantations to get kids to come to them and make them younger.

30. Inscrutable-incapable of being investigated.
My definition:being investigated.
My sentence:The sea captain explored the inscrutable depths of the ocean searching for buried treasures.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lord of the Flies Vocabulary List 2

11. Credulously-Ready to believe espically on sight or uncertain evidence.
Syn: Believe
My Defintion: to believe in something.
My sentence: He sold mairacle cures to desperate and credulous clients.

12.Cynically-Having the attitude or temper of a cynic contempuously distrustful of human nature and motives.
Syn: Attitude
My defintion: Having an attitude and being distrustful.
My sentence: Cynically speaking, one could say that it is true to life to be cynical about it.

13. Declivities-Downward inclination. A descending slope.
Syn: Slope
My defintion: Down hill
Me sentence: Cheating on your homework can start you on a slippery declivity to cheating in life.

14. Decorous-Marked by property and good taste.
Syn: Beauty and grace.
My defintion: Conduct, manners, and apperence.
My sentence: The appreciative guest displayed decorous behavior towards his host.

15. Demur-To make objection; take exception.
Syn: Oppose
My defintion: an objection
My sentence: They wanted to make him the treasurer, but he demurred.

16. Derisive-Characterized by expressing derision; mocking.
Syn: Sarcastic
My defintion: being a smarty pants.
My sentence: He gave a derisive laugh after he pushed her in the mud.

17. Diffidently-Lacking confidence in one's own ability worth; timid; shy.
Syn: Bashful
My defintion: A very shy person.
My sentence: When Brian asked ann to dinner, she blushed and nodded diffidently.

18. Discursive-Passing aimlessly from one subject to another.
Syn: Roaming
My defintion: To get off the subject.
My sentence: The students were instructed to write a discursive essay of their choice.

19. Disentangled-To ffree or become free from entaglement; untangle.
Syn: Unyangle
My defintion: untangle yourself from something.
My sentence: I disentangled myself from the rope so i could be free.

20. Disinclination-The absence of inclination.
Syn: Demur
My defintion: not inclination
My sentence: The place was a mess because of her dsiinclination for housework.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lord of the Flies D.Q's Chapter 1&2

Chapter 1:
1. How did the boys arrive on the island?
-there plain got shot down. It crashed.
2. How did Ralph call the first meeting?
-with the conch shell.
3. What are the names of the twins?
-Ralph and Piggy.
4. What does Ralph's dad do?
-work in the navy.
5. What nationality are the boys?
-the are English.
6. The island was roughly - shaped.
-boat shaped.
7. What is the "scar"?
-a long strip of land.
8. For whoom did Piggy vote as chief?
9. Who went to make sure the island was really an island?
10. Who is your favorite character so far?

Chapter 2:
1. Who is the only one who may interrupt the speaker holding to conch?
2. Who saw the beast/beastie/snake-like thing?
-the small boy.
3. Who says, again and again that there isn't a beast?
4. On page 37, Ralph makes a two-fold "mission statement." what are the two parts?
-they want to have fun.
-they want to be rescued.
5. Why do they need a fire?
-so people can know that they are on the island by seeing the smoke.
6. What did the boys use to start the fire?
-leaves,broken branches, and wood.
7. Who is the first boy to die?
-one of the youngest boys.
Who said it?
8. "How do you expect to be rescued if you don't put first things first and act proper?"
9. "I told you to. I told you to get a list of names!"
10. "We'll have rules! Then when anyone breaks 'em-"

Monday, October 19, 2009

Lord of the Flies Vocabulary List 1

1. Abyss The bottomless gulf, pit, or chaos in old accounts of the orgins of the universe.
“depth” bottom of something.
2. Articulate To speak in distinct syllables or words.
“joint” put words together.
3. Bastion A projecting part of a fortification.
“to build” build something.
4. Blundered To move unsteadily or blindly.
“stumble” to fall or walk unsteadily.
5. Cascades A steep usually small fall of water.
“to fall” water that falls.
6. Compressed Flatened as though subjected to compression.
“flatened” a flat surface.
7. Contemtuously Feeling or showing contempt.
“contempt” feeling contempt.
8. Contrite sorrowful for a wrong that one has done.
“to bruise” to hurt someone.
9. Corpulent Having a large bulky body.
“body” muscle body.
10. Covert Not openly shown, engaged in, or avowed.
“cover” something that’s covered up.

My Sentences:
1. He fell into the dark abyss.
2. I don’t know how to articulate my feelings.
3. There is a huge bastion on the side of the buliding to protect it from the enemy.
4. They heard her blunder against the car.
5. When we went to see the water falls in North Carolina, the cascades fell down hard.
6. We compressed the playdo when we were playing with it.
7. The contemptuously boy was really tired.
8. The man was contrite when he killed his wife.
9. He has a very corpulent body.
10. I coverted to a different attitude.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Is murder ever justifiable?

Killing Mr. Griffin Vocabulary and Sentences

1. Inference- The act of drawing a conclusion that is not actually stated.
  • She infered that Ashley enjoys reading.
2. Allusion- Whenever a writer refers to a person, place, poem, book, or movie that he expects the reader to recognize.
  • The writer had and allusion of the movie, The Notebook, but little did he know, no one knew that movie.
3. Flashback- A scene that interrupts the ongoing action in a story to show and event that happened earlier.
  • I Speak they had many flashbacks of when she got raped.

4. Rite of Passage- The young adult must undergo some ritual or test to become an adult.

  • Jewish people usually go in a rite of passage when they become "adults".
5. Foil- A character whose qualities or actions usually serve to emphasize the actions or qualities of the main character, the protagonist, by providing a strong contrast.
  • The foil in my story ends up hating the main character.

Grammar DO NOW's

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chapters 3-4 for Killing Mr. Griffin

Chapter Three:

1.The members of davids family are introduced. briefly identify them.
  • grandma- very dependent, mom- kind, distent, dependent
2.Why doed david think he needs a good education?
  • he feels that he is the one that needs to support his family.
3.Find the metaphor in this chapter that helps issustrate the emptiness of davids life.
  • his living room is depressing and lonely, he is this super populay guy at school

4.Support or refute the following statement: david goes along with mark because he dislikes Mr. Griffin and needs a better english grade to get into law school.

  • he wants to go to college and that is the only class he has left to pass

Chaapter four:


Chapter 1-2 for Killing Mr. Griffin

Chapter One
1. Briefly identify the children in the McConnell family.
  • Susan, Melvin, Francis, Craig
2. What does Susan mean by "someday"?
  • she wants everything to be normal and exactly the way she wants her life to be.
3. Who is David Ruggles? How does Susan feel about him?
  • The president of the senior class. She has a huge crush, and dreams about him.
4. Several other students of Room 117 are introduced. Briefly identify them.
  • Betsy Cline, David Ruggles, Mark Kinney, Jeff Garrett
5. In the classroom scene, what emphasizes Susan's feelings of being an outsider?
  • She feels so alone, sickened, alienated, and afraid. She doesn't fit in with her classmates.
6. Two teachers are introduced. Briefly identify them.
  • Mr. Griffin, Mrs. Dolly Luna
7. Mr. Griffin is very strict and stern with the students. Do you think these qualities make him a good teacher? Briefly explain your answer.
  • Probably not, because he gives no student extra credit, and most of all he gives them so many F's for a late paper. making them fail a lot.
8. An allusion is when a writer refers to a person, place, poem, book, or movie that the reader, is expected to recognize. Find an example of allusion in this chapter.
  • Susan's song she wrote.
9. In what ways does Susan think she and the dying female in Hamlet are similar?
  • She didn't do her best in her work. Felt so depressed that she cried, and felt so ashamed.
10. A metaphor is a comparison of two things that are basically unlike, in order to create a sharp picture. In this first chapter find the metaphor involving a bird that helps the author define how Susan is feeling about her life.
  • She had a sudden, irrational urge to put her head down on the desk and weep for all of them, for the whole world, for the awful day that was staring so badly.
11. Jeff says, "That Griffin's the sort of guy you'd like to kill." Why doesn't Susan think he is serious?
  • Because Jeff really hated Mr. Griffin so much that he had a plan to do that, but Susan thought that he was bluffing which he wasn't.
12. Frequently, objects which seem inconsequential when first mentioned become an important part of the plot later. In the last six paragraphs do you noticed any object that might be foreshadowing?
  • Yes that Jeff explained to the gang how to kill Mr. Griffin by tying him with some rope, and blindfolding him.

Chapter Two

1. Why does Mark say the following? " Jeff's done a neat job of lining us up for a mass flunk out."

  • Because Mr. Griffin keeps on giving Jeff F's all semester.

2. Explain Mark's special dislike of Mr. Griffin.

  • He had to take the English course again for the second time, and he wanted to him since he came to Mr. Griffin class.

3. "Jeff had seen that look before, and it always meant something." What look does Jeff see? What does Jeff think it means?

  • That killer look that Mark had when he wanted to do something for the pleasure of it. He really wanted to kill Mr. Griffin so badly.

4. Why do Jeff and Betsy go along with the plan?

  • They were tired of flunking his class all the time, but they weren't trying to fail. They were trying to pass and get out of his class for good.

5. Why does Mark believe Dave will go with the plan?

  • He likes a challenge, also Mark knows too much about David.

6. What does Mark know about Susan that makes him think she will be their decoy?

  • Because she's Mr. Griffin's teacher pet, and plus on the mid- semester she made good grades in his class.

7. A flashback is a scene that interrupts the ongoing action to show an event that happens earlier. Briefly describe the flashback in this chapter. Explain why the author chooses to include it.

  • It's how Susan and David met each other when they were in middle school. The humiliation that Jeff has been through, it was the first thing that the plan would work.

8. What is implied, but never stated, about Mark's "transformation"?

  • He was sort of a psychic when he heard the call roll. He set a cat on fire, and he also had a special beauty, something too strange to explain about him.

Speak 4 D.Q.'s

1. Discuss the evolvement of the name of the Merryweather High mascot and the debate over each name.

  • Their team is not athletic and they are not very good so they need a new team name and they try to show how a democrasy works.
2. What draws Melinda and Ivy together?
  • Because Ivy is going out with Andy Evans.
3. Do you agree or disagree with “Ten More Lies…” Why?

4. Describe Melinda’s inner turmoil when she discovers Rachel is dating Andy. What should she have done? Did she do the right thing?
  • Because she doesn’t want her hurt.
5. What is the symbolism of Mr. Freeman’s statement, “…trees are flexible, so they don’t snap. Scar it, give it a twisted branch-perfect tree don’t exist…Be the tree” (p. 153).
  • Depending on her mood determines what she draws.

6. How does Melinda begin to assert herself and find her voice?

  • When she tells off Heather about her room.
7. What happens when Melinda decides to talk to Rachel?
  • She gets mad at Melinda and calls her insane.
8. What do the entries under Melinda’s initial graffiti in the bathroom reveal?
  • Tells her story about how the party went.
9. What is the correlation between Mr. Sordino’s treatment and explanation of the diseased tree with Melinda’s “survival?”
  • How poorly her home life is when she is with her parents.
10. What happens at the Prom?
  • She went along with David Petrakis.
11. What is the resolution to the story?
  • She tells her parents what went on with Andy.

Speak 3 D.Q.'s

1. Discuss what precipitates Melinda’s skipping school and what she does.
  • i think she needs some quit time alone
2. Was being a child better than being a teenager? In what ways? In what ways is it better to be older? Why is it hard to be in between childhood and adulthood?
  • I think being a teenager is better, but the school work is a lot harder, but I have more freedom, and a later curfew.
3. Analyze the reference to the symbols in The Scarlet Letter and how Melinda would adapt the letter “A.”
  • Because that Is the grades that she needs to get.
4. Discuss the dissolution of Melinda and Heather’s friendship and the effect it has on Melinda. What is the meaning of friendship?
  • Heather tried to say that thay are not really friends. And friendship is when you can rely on some
5. Analyze the events and effects of Valentine’s Day on Melinda.
  • She gets a card from heather. And is very upset.

6. Melinda wishes her science teacher would teach them about love and betrayal instead of about the birds and the bees. Where do we learn about things like that? Can we learn about love from a book? Explain?

  • No I just think that she is wanting to try and be kind and outgoing.
7. Discuss what happens when Melinda is placed in In-School Suspension. How would you react to this situation?
  • I would be afraid like Melinda, but know what to do.
8. Analyze Mr. Freeman’s effect on Melinda, inside and outside the art class. Do you agree with his statement, “When people don’t express themselves, they die one piece at a time.”
  • No because they might have low self esteem.
9. Mr. Freeman tells his class, “You must walk alone to find your soul.” What does this mean? Is it true? What is a soul?
  • It means like you are the only one who can find your soul, and your soul is like your personality.
10. Mr. Freeman also says that “art is about making mistakes and learning from them.” What else is like this? Explain.
  • He is talking about life, and art is like art.
11. Examine Melinda’s self-image and her survival techniques after Heather’s rejection.
  • She finds her voice.
12. Examine Melinda’s revelation about the night of the party and its residual effect on her.
  • Everybody hates her because they don’t know why she called the police.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

DQ's for Antwone Fisher

1. Antwone gets into a lot of fights. Do you think that he fights because people have made him angry, or is he angry already?
  • I think that people make him angry. Like for example his mom had him and she didnt even tell the father that he had a son. She gave him up for adoption because she didnt want him. He didnt have any family. His adopted parent beat him and he just had alot of anger built up inside.

2. When Antwone first goes to see the therapist, he is very vague with info about his background. Why would he not just come out with all of his histtory? Is he hiding something? How is Antwone different or the same as Melinda Sordino in Speak?

  • He had so much anger towards everyone that he didnt like talking about his background. Melinda and him are the same because they both didnt speak about there problems. They didnt have any friends. They also both didnt talk about there backgrounds.
3. Why does Antwone say that he should just go to the brig? How would that be easier for him than the alternative that he is given?
  • He is not going to open up to anyone. There is no point. People should just let him go and do his own thing because thats what he has been doing for pretty much all there life.
4. When his shipmates are talking about going home for the holiday, Antwone ignores the question. Why?
  • He ignore the question because he doesnt have a family to go home to.
5. During the Thanksgiving dinner at the doctor's house, Antwone is put into an awkward situation when the doctor's father asks him questions. Why was it awkward for him?
  • He felt awkward because they were asking him questions about his family and childhood.
6. The doctor at one point says that forgiveness is freeing yourself. Do you agree? Talk about Antwone and Melinda in terms of forgiving themselves. What would they be forgiving themselves for? Why?
  • Yes I agree with freeing yourself because it makes you feel better. Melinda would be forgiving herself because she felt like it was her fault that she got raped. When it was not her fault. She should forgive herself because she finally spoke up at the end of the book. Antwone should forgive himself because it was not his fault that his mom gave him up and didnt tell his dad that she had him.
7. Discuss two possible themes in Antwone Fisher? Are there similar themes in Speak? Explain.
  • Melinda and Antwone dont have anybody to talk to. They both are scared to speak up and tell people about there problems and situations.

S.A.T. Vocabulary Words

1. Abhor-hate.
  • I abhor going to the dentist because it only means pain to me.

2. Bigot-narrow minded, prejuiced person.

  • Adolf Hitler was both a bigot and insane.

3. Counterfeit-fake;false.

  • It was obvious that the Michael Jackson impresonator was a counterfeit because the nose was real.

My Sentences:

1. I abhor checking my sugar everyday because it gets annoying.

2. People now days are very bigoted.

3. People now days try to make counterfeit money, so people at stores, restraunts, etc. check to see if the money is real or not.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Speak 2 D.Q.'s pg.49-92

1. Discuss Melinda’s decline, including physical symptoms.
• Melinda wore ugly old clothes. She also doesn’t wear any makeup. She tries to fit in but she doesn’t and nobody wants to be her friend. She is emotionally bruised and ill because she got raped by Andy Evans.
2. Analyze the social studies “debate” and its aftermath. Note who challenges the teacher and the position each person takes. How do you feel about this type of debate? Is the teacher right or wrong? Do students have a right to challenge a teacher?
• The debate didn’t go very well and it caused some trouble afterwards. The student who challenges the teacher was David Petrakis. The teacher was wrong about stopping the debate just because it didn’t go his way. It was an opened debate and the students had a right to speak.
3. Who is a “real” American? What do you think of Mr. Neck’s opinion? Going by his definition, are some of you not really Americans?
• A real American is where they pay their duties for this country and they don’t break any of the rules or laws. They fight and try to do their best for the country. No I don’t agree with Mr. Neck because he is basically saying that only his family is real Americans.
4. Discuss the Thanksgiving dinner for Melinda’s family and why this is significant.
• Melinda’s mom tried to fix a turkey but they kind of messed up on it. Her mom got called into the store for an emergency. So Melinda’s dad tried to cook the turkey but that was a failure. So they finally went and ordered some pizza to eat for their Thanksgiving dinner.
5. Analyze Melinda’s statement about her parents, “I bet they’d be divorced by now if I hadn’t been born.” What does this reflect about her self esteem?
• Melinda doesn’t have any self esteem. If she wasn’t living then her parents would be done divorced because her parents don’t talk to each other and they don’t really show love for each other. To Melinda it seems like the only reason why their together is because of her.
6. Examine Melinda’s references to her secret and what this reveals about her relationship with her parents. What do you think happened at the party?
• She cant talk about important things with her parents because they don’t have communication and they just don’t listen to her. She got raped by Andy Evans at the party and she tried to tell her friends but they left her and wouldn’t talk to her anymore because she called the cops.
7. Discuss Melinda’s athletic ability, her attitude toward being on the basketball team, and comparison she makes between basketball and life.
• Melinda is a very good basketball player. The coach wants her to be on the team but Melinda doesn’t want to. She thinks it’s a waist of her time.
8. Analyze the deterioration of the relationship between Melinda and Heather. Why is it that people sometimes like us more when they can get something out of us? Are the Martha’s good friends to Heather? Why or why not?
• Heather doesn’t want to be Melinda’s friend anymore because she is boring. People like us more when they get stuff because they know that they can use you and make you believe stuff just to get what they want. The Martha’s are not good friends to Heather because they don’t include her in anything. They make her do stuff like she is there slave. They tell her that Melinda cant sit with them so Heather blew her true friend off for the Martha’s.
9. What should we value in other people? What qualities are important in a person? What do you usually notice first about people? Does that really matter?
• We should value there personality and attitude. The most important qualities are there personality, attitude, and style, pretty much everything about a person. When I first meet a person I look for their attitude towards me and their personality. Yes this really matters because you want someone to be nice to you and not mean.
10. Examine Melinda’s reference to IT. Pages 85-86 & 89-90
• IT is Andy Evans. He is the boy that raped Melinda. He is tall and he was a senior. He goes out with Rachel/Rachelle. He is a bad person.
11. Discuss the school conference with Melinda’s parents and the aftermath. What do you think about Melinda’s suicide attempt? Was it real? What does it indicate? What do you think about her mother’s reaction?
• Both of her parents kind of ganged up on her. Melinda’s mom would say she is mute and she cant speak, even though she can speak. I don’t think Melinda’s suicide attempt was real. I just think that she was trying to get her parents attention, notice her, and listen to what she has to say.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Abuse in Teenage Relationships

Abuse in teenage relationships is more common and more accepted among teens. One in ten teens in the grades 7 to 12 are being physically abused by a boy or a girl. It’s more common for the boy to be the abusive one. Abused teens are more likely to drink, have bad behavior, commit suicide, have an eating disorder, and have risky sexual behavior. There are three types of ways where you can be abused, they are; physically, verbal, or sexual. Some warning signs of these abuses are; sexual pressure, name-calling or swearing, pressure to use drugs or alcohol, controlling habits over friends and family, and insulting another person in front of another person. Abusive teen relationships have a long lasting mental and emotional effect on its victim and other people that care about them. Teenagers that have been abused in a relationship now is more likely going to be an abusive parent when they get older. Some questions you can ask yourself about your relationship are; act jealous and possessive? Have affairs? Constantly criticize or belittles you? Force you to have sex against your will? These are things you need to think about. If you are in a abusive relationship then you need to tell somebody so you can get help.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Abuse Scenario

Imagine That: You have a good friend who recently has acquired several cuts and bruises on different parts of her body. She says that she has been tripping and running into a lockers lately. You don't believe her. What do you do?
Well there are many different reasons why she would have cuts and bruises. She could be cutting herself, someone could be abusing her, and she could be playing a sport, etc. I could maybe ask her what’s going, but it might get her upset. I think that she has been getting abused by somebody. There are two kinds of abuse. They are; mental and physical abuse. Mental abuse is where someone plays mind games with you, or treats you bad emotionally. Sometimes when they don’t show they love you or care about you. Physical abuse is where someone is physically hurting you. Some examples of physical abuse are; hitting, burning, rape, or any sexual contact. In this case my friend would be getting physical abuse. She has bruises and cuts on her. If she has been getting abused by someone, then she would need to tell someone so she could get help with the situation. It is always good to get help even if your scared.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Speak 1 D.Q.'s pgs. 3-46

1. Analyze Melinda's reaction to the first day of high school and why her fears seem more intense than that of others. Analyze ahy she says, "I am Outcast.

  • People dont like her and people bump into her an the hallways. Also everybody is mean to her except Heather. Nobody really wants to hang out with her at school or after school.

2. Examine the meanings of the "clans" and the prevalence of high school cliques. Why do we sometimes not like people who are really good at things, like sports, music, art, or school? Is this fair? Are adults like this?

  • Some peopledont like it when people are good at things because there jealous of them. They want to be good at something too but cant. No its not fair to the people that others treat them wrong just because there good at something. Yes adults do this sometimes too.

3. Discuss the "first ten lies they tell you in high school." Compare with your first day of school. So you think Melinda's assumption that they are "lies" is valid?

  • Some of the lies that they told her werent true because the football team may not win state championship. Also sometimes the councelers may want to help the students. My first day of high school was not like that at all. I got to see all my old friends and I made some new friends.

4. Examine Melinda's characterization of the teachers. What do these descriptions reflect?

  • Her English teacher had orange hair and she was really quiet and shy. She really didnt know what to do with the class. The art teacher was really loud an bright and he basically gives the academics to his class.

5. Discuss Mr. Freeman's approach to teaching art. Have you had similar experiences in classes with this type of teaching style?

  • He was bright and he put everything out in the open. Mrs. Bray was really loud and outgoing and she was also really hyper. She introduced everything to us the first day of school and she gave us lectures.

6. Discuss Melinda's home life. How does communication break down in Melinda's family? What could each person do to improve it? If you were a parent, how would communication be in your family?

  • There family dont really talk to each other that much. They want Melinda to make good grades. They also use notecards to talk to each other but they only tell each other important things. They should all start talking more and doing stuff together as a family. My communication with my family would be good. We would talk to each other about everything and do family things together.

7. Discuss the interaction between Melinda and Heather. Are they friends? What brings them together?

  • Heather kinda gets on Melinda's nerves and she is always talking and she just never shuts up. she always wants to do something and she wants to be somebody in highschool. Yes they are friends. Heather was a new student and thats the only person that will talk to Melinda.

8. Are we sometimes different people on the outside than we are in the inside? How? Why is this true, do you think?

  • Yes. people may do something that they really wouldnt do, but they did it to be cool or make an impression.

"Speak" Vocabulary Words

1. Savant-A person of learning; espically one with detailed knowledge in some specialized field.

  • My uncle was considered a savant in English Literature.

2. Thespians-Dramatic actor.

  • My sister is a thespian because she said she would clean her room a week ago and she didnt do it.

3. Facism-A political philosophy, movement, or regine that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a government headed by a dictional leader.

  • There was alot of facism in Germany when Hitler was in power.

4. Predator-One that preys, destroys, or devours.

  • A lion is a predator to other animals.

5. Indoctrination-Instruct, with doctines, theories, beleifs. Can also be brainwashing.

  • They had been indoctrinated from an early age with their parents' beleifs.

6. Morphing-A special effect process used in film or video production in which persons or objects seem to change shape, form, etc.

  • When you download your pictures, you can crop, stretch, and draw using the morphing software.

7. Obscene-Offensive to morality or dencency, repolsive.

  • Pornography is obscene to most people these days.

8. Obstinence-Denying self any form of indulgence, appetite, or craving.

  • I tried to convince him, but he stayed obstinate.

9. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder-PTSD is an anxiety disorder that occurs in the aftermath of a traumatic event.

  • When my friends mom died on her birthday, she had PTSD.

10. Potpourri-A mixture of flowers,herbs,and spices, that is usually kept in a jar and used for scent.

  • I have a bowl of potpourri in my bathroom.

11. Paparazzi-A freelance photographers who aggressively pursues celebrities for the purpose of taking candid photographs.

  • Paparazzi take pictures of Brittney Spears when she is partying and embarrasing herself in the clubs.

12. Inspiration-An inspiring or animating action of influence.

  • My mom is my inspiration everyday of my life.

13. Expiration-A coming to an end; termination close.

  • The expiration to our house contract is coming to an end.

14. Floundering-To make clumsey attempts to more or regain one's balance.

  • My brother is floundering in reading class.

15. Blathers-To talk without making sense.

  • My sister can blather all day if she wanted too.

16. Interim-A temporary arrangement,stopgap, make shift.

  • They hired a temporary manager in the interim.

17. Drones-A male bee, espically a honeybee, that is characteristically stingless, performs no work, and produces no honey, but it only mates with the queen bee. An idle person who lives off others. A person who does tedious or menial work.

  • The teacher is like a drone; they talk in the same boring voice.

18. Xenophobic-A person who is very fearful or dislking or foreigners, people from other countries, or strangers.

  • After the 9-11 tragedy, many people experienced exenophobia.

19. Sun Shadow Mandala-Mandala's are symbolic, circular designs that represent outer (sun) and inner (shadow) dimensions of a persons personality.

  • In 9th grade last year, I made a sun shadow mandala.

20. Redemption-The act or process of redeeming or the state of being redeemed.

  • No redemption for the greedy.

21. Abysmal-Extremely or hopelessly bad or servere.

  • The service in my bank today was abysmal.

22. Demure-Characterized by shyness and modesty; reserved.

  • When I was little i used to be demure but when I got older I grew out if that.

23. Bigoted-Ulterly intolerant of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.

  • My mom is very bigoted.

24. Asphyxicited-To cause to die or lose consciousness by imparing normal breathing, as by gas or other noxious agents; choke; suffocate; smother.

  • In movies people usually kill others by asphyxication.

25. Classical-Of or pretaining to; or characteristic of greek and roman antiquity.

  • The greek characterization is very classical.

26. Cubism-A style of painting and sculpture developed in the early 2oth century, chatarcterized by the emphasis on formal structure, geometrical shapes.

  • We use to make cubism shapes in art class.

Monday, August 17, 2009



The setting is inside a house on a rainy day. The mother goes shopping and she leaves the kids home alone. The characters are: the Narrator, Sally, Cat, fish, Thing one and thing two, and mom.

Rising Action:

The cat plays games that cause a mess in the house. Fish don’t think the cat or thing one and two should be there in the house. Thing one and thing two fly’s kites in the house and breaks stuff and mother is on her way home.


The narrator catches thing one and thing two and tells cat to pack them up and send them away before mother gets home.

Falling Action:

Cat listens and packs thing one and thing two up and sends them away. Cat went along, but he came back to clean up his mess that he left at there house. He said “I always clean up after myself.”


Mother returns from shopping and the house is really clean. She asked if they had any fun while she was gone. The end!!

The Cat in the Hat!!

By: Challis Davis, 2nd Block

Friday, August 14, 2009

Harrison Bergeron D.Q.'s

1. What is the theme of the story?

  • You should fight for what you beleive in.
2. What do you think Harrison's rebillion reveals about his charcter and values?

  • He fights for what he thinks is right, he goes against the rules because he knows it will make a difference.
3. What conclusions can you draw about the society in which the characters live?

  • They want everyone to be equal in every way possible.

4. What do you think Vonnegut might be trying to say about today's society and the role a government can play in achieving equality among people? At what point does the government go too far?

  • Today the government is making unfair laws and not abiding by them.

5. In what ways is there tension between equality and oppurtunity in our country today?

  • There is racism and critism in our country that we really need to work out.

Vocabulary Words for Harrison Bergeron

1. Calibrated-check, adjust, setting on instruments used for measurment.
  • I calibrated the smart board for my teacher at school.

2. Consternation- sudden, alarming, amazement, resulting in confusion.

  • A look of consternation on the child's face caused her parents to panic.

3. Cower- crouch, recoil, flinch.

  • Lucky, my dog, would cower in the corner every time he knew he did something bad.

4. Hindrance- stopping, preventing.

  • Heavy traffic is a hindrance to my getting to school on time.

5. Luminous- radiating or reflecting light.

  • Sierrs's luminous complexion was the envy of all the other girls.

6. Symmetry- equal proportions.

  • Lines of symmetry are the easiest to remember in geometry.

7. Synchronizing- causing to work or operate at the same time.

  • The friends were synchronizing their watches so they would have the right time.

8.Vague- unclear.

  • When the student was called to answer the question, it was very vague.

9. Vigilance- watchful, alert, paying attention.

  • She watched with vigilance so nothing would get past her.

10. wince- to draw back or tense the body as if experiencing pain.

  • You can wince as much as you want but im going to keep hitting you.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Black Cats D.Q.'s

1. Discuss the significance of the following quote: "There is something unselfish and self-sacrificing love of a brute, which goes directly to the heart of him who has had frequent occasion to test the paltry friendship and gossamer fidelity of man."
  • I think this quote is saying that pets are trying to get the heart of the owner. The pets have their own way of making the owner get attached. Once the owner gets attached sometimes you cant let go.

2. What is the significance of the cat's name, Pluto?

  • Pluto is the farthest planet away from the sun, its the ninth planet, and its the coldest planet.

3. Why did the narrator initially restrain himself from maltreating the cat while maltreating other animals?

  • He didnt mistreat the cat because it was his bestfriend and the cat followed him everywhere. The cat loved him.

4. Why does he eventually mistreat the cat?

  • He eventually started mistreating the cat because he realized that the cat loved him and he hated anybody that loved him.

5. Describe the narrator's feelings after abusing the cat. Why is that significant?

  • He felt bad but it really didnt bother him or get to his soul of what he did to the cat. He really didnt care because the cat loved him and he didnt like that and he knew what he did was bad.

6. How does the narrator define "perversness"? Do you agree with his definition? Do you agree that it is human nature?

  • You do something wrong because you know its wrong and you want to do it. Yes I agree with his definition because most of the time whjen people do wrong they know what there doing and they know its bad. No I don't agreen because its not right to do something that you know is wrong.

7. Discuss the significance of the following quote: "[I] hung it because I knew it had loved me, and because I felt it had given me no reason of offense; because I knew that in doing so I was commiting a sin."

  • I think that he knew what he was doing and that he just wanted to kill that cat to kill. He didn't care about the cat because it loved him and he didn't like that. So he decided to kill just to comit a sin.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Vocabulary from "The Black Cat"

1. Solicit- (verb) To seek for something by earnest or respectful request, formal application, etc.

  • I am soliciting for your help.

2. Mad- (adj) Mentally disturbed; deranged; insane; demented.

  • I was mad that my sister was getting all the attention from the family.

3. Succinct- (adj) Expressed in few words; concise; terse.

  • The best diaries are rich and yet succinct.

4. Phantasm- (noun) An illusory likeness of something.

  • What she thought she saw across the street turned out to be just a phantasm.

5. Docile- (noun) Easily managed or handled.

  • That dog is far from being docile.

6. Disposition- (noun) The predominant or prevailing tendency of one's spirits; natural mental and emotional outlook or mood; characteristic attitude.

  • I have a strong disposition for the man with the bad attitude.

7. Sagacious- (adj) Having or showing keen discemment, and sound judgement.

  • Uncle Max tried to stump Abby with riddles, but the sagacious child out done him with her clever answers.

8. Paltry- (adj) Lacking in importance or worth; trivial.

  • Her savings are a paltry sum.

9. Gossamer- (noun) Something delicate, light, or flimsy.

  • A spiders cobweb is very gossamer.

10. Fidelity- (noun) Faithfulness to obligations, duties, or observance.

  • The success of a relationship depends very much on the fedilty of both boyfriend and girlfriend.

11. Procure- (verb) To get by special effort; obtain or require.

  • The spy was trying to procure secrets by blackmailing officials.

12. Allusion- (noun) The act of alluding; indirect refrence.

  • John was hurt by an allusion of his failure.

13. Intemperance- (noun) Excessive use of alcholic beverages.

  • If you drink to much you might become intemperate and hurt yourself.

14. Maltreat- (verb) To treat in a rough or cruel way; abuse.

  • Cops that work in jails sometimes maltreat a prisoner.

15. Scruple- (noun) A moral or ethical consideraton or standard that acts as a restraining force or inhibits certain actions.

  • He could not cheat at any games as his parens brought him up with scruples.

16. Malevolence- (noun) ill will; malice; hatred.

  • It was a look of pure malevolence.

17. Atrocity- (noun) The quality of being extremely or shockingly wicked, cruel or brutal.

  • I congratulate the teacher for front paging the atrocity.

18. Debauch- (noun) A period of wanton self-indulegence, an excessive party which includes consumption of alchol.

  • At the highschool homecoming party there was debauch there and some of the students had to leave the dance.

19. Sentiment- (noun) A mental feeling; emotion.

  • Sometimes my friends and I have the same sentiment feelings about things.

20. Remorse- (noun) Deep and painful regret for wrongdoing.

  • I felt remorse when I caused someone trouble.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Best Thing that Happened To Me This Summer

The best thing that happened to me this summer is when we had our big party for the fourth of July. We had alot of people and it was mostly family but some friends came too. We had hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, and drinks. We also had cake because we celebrated my mothers birthday. After we ate, we went swimming, mud bogging, and we shot off a bunch of fireworks when it hit twelve p.m. We also played volleyball and football. We had alot of fun and it was great seeing some of the family that I have not seen in a while. Finally everybody started getting tired and we all went to bed and the party was over. Then next best thing that happened to me was when i got to hang out with all my friends. We went to the mall, movies, and the beach. We also rode the golf cart, swam, and mud bogged. This is the best thing that happened to me over the summer.