Monday, October 19, 2009

Lord of the Flies Vocabulary List 1

1. Abyss The bottomless gulf, pit, or chaos in old accounts of the orgins of the universe.
“depth” bottom of something.
2. Articulate To speak in distinct syllables or words.
“joint” put words together.
3. Bastion A projecting part of a fortification.
“to build” build something.
4. Blundered To move unsteadily or blindly.
“stumble” to fall or walk unsteadily.
5. Cascades A steep usually small fall of water.
“to fall” water that falls.
6. Compressed Flatened as though subjected to compression.
“flatened” a flat surface.
7. Contemtuously Feeling or showing contempt.
“contempt” feeling contempt.
8. Contrite sorrowful for a wrong that one has done.
“to bruise” to hurt someone.
9. Corpulent Having a large bulky body.
“body” muscle body.
10. Covert Not openly shown, engaged in, or avowed.
“cover” something that’s covered up.

My Sentences:
1. He fell into the dark abyss.
2. I don’t know how to articulate my feelings.
3. There is a huge bastion on the side of the buliding to protect it from the enemy.
4. They heard her blunder against the car.
5. When we went to see the water falls in North Carolina, the cascades fell down hard.
6. We compressed the playdo when we were playing with it.
7. The contemptuously boy was really tired.
8. The man was contrite when he killed his wife.
9. He has a very corpulent body.
10. I coverted to a different attitude.

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