Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Vocabulary from "The Black Cat"

1. Solicit- (verb) To seek for something by earnest or respectful request, formal application, etc.

  • I am soliciting for your help.

2. Mad- (adj) Mentally disturbed; deranged; insane; demented.

  • I was mad that my sister was getting all the attention from the family.

3. Succinct- (adj) Expressed in few words; concise; terse.

  • The best diaries are rich and yet succinct.

4. Phantasm- (noun) An illusory likeness of something.

  • What she thought she saw across the street turned out to be just a phantasm.

5. Docile- (noun) Easily managed or handled.

  • That dog is far from being docile.

6. Disposition- (noun) The predominant or prevailing tendency of one's spirits; natural mental and emotional outlook or mood; characteristic attitude.

  • I have a strong disposition for the man with the bad attitude.

7. Sagacious- (adj) Having or showing keen discemment, and sound judgement.

  • Uncle Max tried to stump Abby with riddles, but the sagacious child out done him with her clever answers.

8. Paltry- (adj) Lacking in importance or worth; trivial.

  • Her savings are a paltry sum.

9. Gossamer- (noun) Something delicate, light, or flimsy.

  • A spiders cobweb is very gossamer.

10. Fidelity- (noun) Faithfulness to obligations, duties, or observance.

  • The success of a relationship depends very much on the fedilty of both boyfriend and girlfriend.

11. Procure- (verb) To get by special effort; obtain or require.

  • The spy was trying to procure secrets by blackmailing officials.

12. Allusion- (noun) The act of alluding; indirect refrence.

  • John was hurt by an allusion of his failure.

13. Intemperance- (noun) Excessive use of alcholic beverages.

  • If you drink to much you might become intemperate and hurt yourself.

14. Maltreat- (verb) To treat in a rough or cruel way; abuse.

  • Cops that work in jails sometimes maltreat a prisoner.

15. Scruple- (noun) A moral or ethical consideraton or standard that acts as a restraining force or inhibits certain actions.

  • He could not cheat at any games as his parens brought him up with scruples.

16. Malevolence- (noun) ill will; malice; hatred.

  • It was a look of pure malevolence.

17. Atrocity- (noun) The quality of being extremely or shockingly wicked, cruel or brutal.

  • I congratulate the teacher for front paging the atrocity.

18. Debauch- (noun) A period of wanton self-indulegence, an excessive party which includes consumption of alchol.

  • At the highschool homecoming party there was debauch there and some of the students had to leave the dance.

19. Sentiment- (noun) A mental feeling; emotion.

  • Sometimes my friends and I have the same sentiment feelings about things.

20. Remorse- (noun) Deep and painful regret for wrongdoing.

  • I felt remorse when I caused someone trouble.

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