Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Abuse in Teenage Relationships

Abuse in teenage relationships is more common and more accepted among teens. One in ten teens in the grades 7 to 12 are being physically abused by a boy or a girl. It’s more common for the boy to be the abusive one. Abused teens are more likely to drink, have bad behavior, commit suicide, have an eating disorder, and have risky sexual behavior. There are three types of ways where you can be abused, they are; physically, verbal, or sexual. Some warning signs of these abuses are; sexual pressure, name-calling or swearing, pressure to use drugs or alcohol, controlling habits over friends and family, and insulting another person in front of another person. Abusive teen relationships have a long lasting mental and emotional effect on its victim and other people that care about them. Teenagers that have been abused in a relationship now is more likely going to be an abusive parent when they get older. Some questions you can ask yourself about your relationship are; act jealous and possessive? Have affairs? Constantly criticize or belittles you? Force you to have sex against your will? These are things you need to think about. If you are in a abusive relationship then you need to tell somebody so you can get help.

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