Sunday, August 23, 2009

"Speak" Vocabulary Words

1. Savant-A person of learning; espically one with detailed knowledge in some specialized field.

  • My uncle was considered a savant in English Literature.

2. Thespians-Dramatic actor.

  • My sister is a thespian because she said she would clean her room a week ago and she didnt do it.

3. Facism-A political philosophy, movement, or regine that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a government headed by a dictional leader.

  • There was alot of facism in Germany when Hitler was in power.

4. Predator-One that preys, destroys, or devours.

  • A lion is a predator to other animals.

5. Indoctrination-Instruct, with doctines, theories, beleifs. Can also be brainwashing.

  • They had been indoctrinated from an early age with their parents' beleifs.

6. Morphing-A special effect process used in film or video production in which persons or objects seem to change shape, form, etc.

  • When you download your pictures, you can crop, stretch, and draw using the morphing software.

7. Obscene-Offensive to morality or dencency, repolsive.

  • Pornography is obscene to most people these days.

8. Obstinence-Denying self any form of indulgence, appetite, or craving.

  • I tried to convince him, but he stayed obstinate.

9. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder-PTSD is an anxiety disorder that occurs in the aftermath of a traumatic event.

  • When my friends mom died on her birthday, she had PTSD.

10. Potpourri-A mixture of flowers,herbs,and spices, that is usually kept in a jar and used for scent.

  • I have a bowl of potpourri in my bathroom.

11. Paparazzi-A freelance photographers who aggressively pursues celebrities for the purpose of taking candid photographs.

  • Paparazzi take pictures of Brittney Spears when she is partying and embarrasing herself in the clubs.

12. Inspiration-An inspiring or animating action of influence.

  • My mom is my inspiration everyday of my life.

13. Expiration-A coming to an end; termination close.

  • The expiration to our house contract is coming to an end.

14. Floundering-To make clumsey attempts to more or regain one's balance.

  • My brother is floundering in reading class.

15. Blathers-To talk without making sense.

  • My sister can blather all day if she wanted too.

16. Interim-A temporary arrangement,stopgap, make shift.

  • They hired a temporary manager in the interim.

17. Drones-A male bee, espically a honeybee, that is characteristically stingless, performs no work, and produces no honey, but it only mates with the queen bee. An idle person who lives off others. A person who does tedious or menial work.

  • The teacher is like a drone; they talk in the same boring voice.

18. Xenophobic-A person who is very fearful or dislking or foreigners, people from other countries, or strangers.

  • After the 9-11 tragedy, many people experienced exenophobia.

19. Sun Shadow Mandala-Mandala's are symbolic, circular designs that represent outer (sun) and inner (shadow) dimensions of a persons personality.

  • In 9th grade last year, I made a sun shadow mandala.

20. Redemption-The act or process of redeeming or the state of being redeemed.

  • No redemption for the greedy.

21. Abysmal-Extremely or hopelessly bad or servere.

  • The service in my bank today was abysmal.

22. Demure-Characterized by shyness and modesty; reserved.

  • When I was little i used to be demure but when I got older I grew out if that.

23. Bigoted-Ulterly intolerant of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.

  • My mom is very bigoted.

24. Asphyxicited-To cause to die or lose consciousness by imparing normal breathing, as by gas or other noxious agents; choke; suffocate; smother.

  • In movies people usually kill others by asphyxication.

25. Classical-Of or pretaining to; or characteristic of greek and roman antiquity.

  • The greek characterization is very classical.

26. Cubism-A style of painting and sculpture developed in the early 2oth century, chatarcterized by the emphasis on formal structure, geometrical shapes.

  • We use to make cubism shapes in art class.

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