Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lord of the Flies D.Q.'s 5,6,&7

Chapter 5:
1. What is "Taken short?"
-Having diarrheoa
2. What does Ralph think they ought to do before they let the fire go out?
-They ought to die before we let the fire go out.
3. Who scared the littlun by walking around in the jungle at night?
Who are the two littluns who hold the conch and speak about the beast at the assembly?
4. Percival
5. Phil
6. "The thing is, we need an assembly."
7. "Serve you right if something did get you, you useless lot of cry-babies!"
8. " scientific, that's what it is."
9. "What I mean is...maybe it's only us."
10. "What are we? Human? Or animals? Or savages?

Chapter 6-7:
1. What was the "sign that came down from the world of the grown-ups?"
-A parachute figure with dangling limbs.
2. Who saw the "beast" on top of the mountain?
3. What did the boys want to do instead of going to the other side of the island to check the fire?
-Make a fort and roll rocks.
4. "I don't believe in the beast."
5. "We want smoke. And you go wasting your time. You roll rocks."
6. Who hit the boar with his spear?
7. Who got hurt playing the role of the pig?
8. Who went through the forest alone to tell piggy that the group hunting the beast wouldn;'t be back until after dark?
Who climbed the mountain to look for the beast?
9. Ralph
10. Jack
11. Roger

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